24 September 2012

If it were New Year's Eve, it would be a song.

Maybe it's much too early in the game
But I thought I'd ask you just the same...
What are you doing 15 November- 01 December?


  1. Complaining about the fact that I'm at work and not travelling.

    And enjoying my wife's company. You?

  2. I'm trying to find a way of asking if two lovely ladies from Boston could join in enjoying your wife's company that doesn't sound totally porny, but it turns out there just isn't one. Especially when you try to include a reference to Fluffernutters.

  3. OMG, you're coming??!!

  4. I'll forgive a lot of things for fluffernutters!

    And while we don't have the smickest place, we can definitely give you guys the spare room while you're here?

    (_VERY_ excited!)


  5. Hey, wait! What? I want the two lovely ladies from Boston to stay at my place! Arm wrestle you for the privilege, Rob?


  6. I don't know who you are, mysterious S person, but I know that you're not Scott and I'm terrified of all other S people whom I know know Yoshi.

    But I will shake my fist in a frustrated manner when you aren't looking, you mark my words!

  7. I'd be terrified of her too. I've seen when she gets That Look in her eye, and all I know to do is back away slowly. But then, I've always said: don't cross a short woman.
