29 June 2010


I am *cranky*. I just had 3 1/2 hours of belly dancing, in which I was spectacularly useless and injured myself besides. The first 90 minutes was rehearsing my new sword piece, which is both my first solo and my first sword anything, and &?@*%#!!!. Last week we did the first half of the choreo, and my sword work was fine but the rest of my body was having the day off (to the point that my very, very supportive teacher could muster little more than, 'um... I'm sure you'll be fine'). This week we finished the choreo, and my body was more or less behaving but the sword didn't want a fucking bar of it. It would not stay anywhere I put it, and I ended up dancing the entire second half with my hand on the hilt EVERY TIME I RAN IT THROUGH. FOR 90 EFFING MINUTES. Oh, and it went crashing to the floor at one point - which it has never done before - and caught me hard on the wrist, right on a nerve, so I had some really fun tingling all through my thumb and will have a whacking great bruise there tomorrow.

And then, as if that wasn't enough, I had another rehearsal right after with the troupe, wherein we were learning a new drum solo. Except it wasn't new to me, as I did it for six weeks in Zehara's class (which is separate from the troupe) a few months ago. But do you think I could get a fucking step right? No. No I could not. By the end, Zehara was openly laughing at me and telling the rest of the girls about how I'd cussed my way through my first lesson with her. Which, I had to laugh too - it was pretty funny - but it was dead clear that she'd just given up on me tonight. I was not to be helped, so she'd written me a pass. But honestly, I was just... I don't even know how to spell the sound, you guys. And I'm performing both of these songs A WEEK FROM SUNDAY.

I need to lie down.


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