13 April 2010

A whole class on stockings? Bien sûr!

I'm sorry it's been so long: I didn't realise how much time had passed since my last post. I'm trying to keep to two a week, but it's harder to fit that in that it seems like it should be.

Specifically, I owe you guys a wrap-up of the Burlesque Expo.

It was... an adventure. I had a great time, and a lot of the people I met were really nice. The classes were fascinating: in addition to the aforementioned stockings and heels workshop (focused on how to take them off, of course), I studied how to eye-flirt with the audience and how to do perfect pin-up make-up. I also sat in on a panel discussion of race in burlesque, which was awesome right up until an older man who was attending the workshop (for reasons that eluded us all) started sharing his opinions, and... well. His heart was in the right place, but his vocabulary hadn't quite caught up.

Apart from that, though, it was a riot. Most of the women there were a fucking riot, and it was great to be a part of that energy. Of course, there were a few That Girls getting underfoot, but that's only to be expected. Some cruel people will tell you that burlesque is stripping for ugly girls; I disagree with that on a variety of levels (those bitches were HOT, just for a start), but there's no denying that burlesque has become an outlet for the sort of oversexed girl who back in our day simply would have been BISEXUAL!!! until she found a boy patient enough not to care about her daddy issues. So, you know, there was a bit of that. What was sad was how blatantly - and unflatteringly - they stuck out against the girls who were legitimately confident in and comfortable with their sex appeal, and how utterly they seemed to fail to recognise this.

I haven't decided yet if I'll pursue burlesque myself, but it was great fun to dip a (stockinged) toe in. For now I'm enjoying belly dancing way too much to think about doing anything else, apart from maybe some hula-hooping classes - those will at least compliment each other.

I have to pull myself together for work now, yuck. Still temping. The second interview for the other job seemed to go well, but again, it's very hard to know. We'll see what happens.


Link du jour: All about That Guy.


  1. Hey there. I'm thinking of doing a hula hooping class too! I've just enrolled in a crash course in French at long last, so it'll have to wait until that finishes.
    Glad you seem to be filling your time up so well. Hope you get this job you keep going through interviews for! How long does it take them to realise you'd be a fantastic employee for goodness sake?!
    MUST Skype soon. You free this Saturday night 8pm your time?
    Love Marie and Bec xx

  2. You're gorgeous sweetheart, you'd make a killin' on stage
